Singles Game Night Series

By The US Singles (other events)

4 Dates Through Mar 27, 2021

Singles Adult Game Night (Series)

$5 per week 

$10 for entire series (Selct Quanity of 2))

Short Video for those that don't wanna read:

We will be doing a 4 Week Game Night Series.

Week 1 - Adult Trivia
Week 2 - Cards Against Humanity
Week 3- Jacks Game (Lie)
Week 4 - Adult Trivia

We are going to try something NEW & Different, since after all Variety is the Spice of Life. So we will be doing a 4 Week Game Night Series and we also will be allowing Private Messaging during these Zoom Calls. Yes, you will have the ability to Private Message anyone at the event.

We will be asking for a small donation to participate in the events. The reason for the donation is two fold.
1) Security
2) This shit cost money

Let’s go over these 2 reasons as I am sure someone will email me asking WHY?

As for Security - One of my biggest concerns has always been making sure all of our events would be a safe haven for our members. At our in person events this is not an issue because someone can’t hide behind a computer. It seems online events breed a bunch of very brave individuals who would not have the balls to do the same shit in person. One of the reasons is because they are totally anonymous. All you need to join Meetup or Zoom is an email address. By asking for a small donation everyone will have to use a credit card so they can’t be anonymous anymore. I believe that if someone donates and they can’t be anonymous they will behave themselves.

The second reason for asking for a donation is this stuff cost money. I have been willing to cover the cost of Meetup as it wasn’t that much per month. But, since this pandemic we have added on Zoom, Games, and Supplies to our monthly expenses. I know it is shocking but Jack’s Games, Cards Against Humanity, Zoom, Meetup, ect… are not willing to donate their services or products. The donation will help cover the cost of keeping these events going and enjoyable.

To make your donation please visit: